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Version: v1.23.0



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File descriptor limits

In some cases, file descriptor limits may cause issues like "Too many open files". To solve that, see the instructions for your platform below.

To increase the limits for the user running Nethermind (e.g., nethermind), run:

sudo echo "nethermind soft nofile 100000" > /etc/security/limits.d/nethermind.conf
sudo echo "nethermind hard nofile 100000" >> /etc/security/limits.d/nethermind.conf

RocksDB checksum issue

Sometimes RocksDB may fail with an exception similar to the one below:

2020-11-29 12:02:01.1968|BlockchainProcessor encountered an exception. RocksDbSharp.RocksDbException: Corruption: block checksum mismatch: expected 2087346143, got 2983326672 in C:\Nethermind\nethermind_db/mainnet\state/037463.sst offset 33439089 size 16319

On XFS file system under very high memory pressure, this tend to happen. Turning on the flag --Db.UseDirectIoForFlushAndCompactions truewill help, although it might reduce performance.

On most cases however, this is due to RAM module issue. Please run memtest86 to check your memory module.

Database LOCK files not removed by RocksDB

If the node complains about the LOCK files it may mean one of the two things:

(1) another Nethermind process is running and using the same DB

(2) previous process did not close the DB properly

When (2) happens you can run

find . -type f -name 'LOCK' -delete

in the database folder.

Leaking Socket Descriptors

On Linux our networking library is not closing socket descriptors properly. This results in the number of open files for the process growing indefinitely. Limits for the number of open files per process are different for root and other users. For root the limits are usually very high and the socket descriptors would probably not cause much trouble. Many of the cloud operators are launching VMs with root user access by default. If Nethermind process is frequently killed by OS then you may need to change the configuration for the maximum number of open files.

RocksDB on macOS

RocksDB library does not always load properly on macOS. One (hacky) workaround is to install the latest version of RocksDB by running brew install rocksdb.

Skipping consensus issues blocks

We do our best in Nethermind not to have consensus issues with other clients. But historically consensus issues had happened. In that case we start working on a hotfix immediately and release it within hours time. If you need your node to be operational ASAP and can’t wait for hotfix you do have an option to achieve that. Nethermind node allows you to fast sync to recent blocks and state. When node does fast sync it can skip over processing problematic blocks. In order to be able to fast sync we need SyncConfig.FastSync to be set to ‘true’. You also need to set SyncConfig.FastSyncCatchUpHeightDelta to a value lower than how far your node is behind the chain. SyncConfig.FastSyncCatchUpHeightDelta is the minimum difference between current chain height and chain head block number when node can switch from full sync (block processing) to fast sync. By default it is set to 1024. Please note that we don’t recommend setting this value to less than 32 in normal circumstances. After setting those values and restarting node, the node will download block headers, bodies (if SyncConfig.DownloadBodiesInFastSync is ‘true’), receipts (if SyncConfig.DownloadReceiptsInFastSync is ‘true’) and current state. After that it will resume processing from new head block. Please note that the historical state for skipped blocks might not be available. This can cause some JSON RPC calls on the historical state not to work - same situation as if these blocks state was pruned.

For example if current chain head block number is 10,000,100 and node couldn’t process block 10,000,000 due to consensus issue, if you set FastSync:true and FastSyncCatchUpHeightDelta:100 (or as low as 32) and node should switch to fast sync, catch up with current chain head and switch back to full sync.

The time that it will take to fast sync to current chain head can take even up to 2 hours depending how many blocks and how much new state there is to be downloaded.

ETH2 issues

Main issues reported so far when using Nethermind for Eth2 (30.11.2020)

  • users who synced before version 1.9.41 and were not aware that old configs were not supporting Eth2 by default had to resync with 1.9.41 (and they are reporting successful setups now)
  • users who synced with AncientReceiptsBarrier (limiting disk space) cannot use Teku and have to switch to * Prysm* or Lighthouse
  • two users reported that their fully synced nodes on Windows 10 Pro failed after a few blocks (please let us know if you have seen a similar issue)
  • (fixed in 1.9.45) users are reporting issues on a hard shutdown of VMs / machines with Nethermind running - some database corruptions occur often requiring a resync
  • users had trouble to sync node on a ZFS file system but this has been resolved after removing ZFS
  • users reported an issue where RocksDB was displaying a checksum mismatch error in the logs -> restarting a VM (not Nethermind, but the machine) helped
  • if you tried to launch Lighthouse with the old Nethermind (pre 1.9.41) which failed and then resynced Nethermind and you are still getting errors then wiping the Lighthouse DB and starting again will solve it.