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Version: 1.28.0

Custom analytic tools


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Check plugins for some easy addition of analytical tools

You can also read more about some useful interfaces below:

There are multiple extension points where you can add custom analytics to your Nethermind node if you know some C#. Below you will find an example of using two very useful interfaces - IBlockVisitor and ITreeVisitor.

Just to execute the code I have added one new initialization step that invokes two custom verifiers that I have used for calculating total supply in two different ways - by calculating mining rewards and by summing up all account balances:

public class RunCustomTools : IStep
private readonly EthereumRunnerContext _context;

public RunCustomTools(EthereumRunnerContext context)
_context = context;

public Task Execute(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
ILogger logger = _context.LogManager.GetClassLogger();
IInitConfig initConfig = _context.Config<IInitConfig>();

switch (initConfig.DiagnosticMode)
case DiagnosticMode.VerifySupply:
logger.Info("Genesis supply:");
SupplyVerifier supplyVerifier = new SupplyVerifier(logger);
StateDb stateDb = new StateDb(_context.DbProvider.StateDb.Innermost);
StateDb codeDb = new StateDb(_context.DbProvider.StateDb.Innermost);
StateReader stateReader = new StateReader(stateDb, codeDb, _context.LogManager);
stateReader.RunTreeVisitor(supplyVerifier, _context.BlockTree!.Genesis.StateRoot);

Block head = _context.BlockTree!.Head;
logger.Info($"Head ({head.Number}) block supply:");
supplyVerifier = new SupplyVerifier(logger);
stateReader.RunTreeVisitor(supplyVerifier, head.StateRoot);
case DiagnosticMode.VerifyRewards:
_context.BlockTree!.Accept(new RewardsVerifier(_context.LogManager), cancellationToken);

return Task.CompletedTask;

Below you will see an example of using ITreeVisitor that allows to check all the blocks, including some of the discarded branches if you wish so:

    public class RewardsVerifier : IBlockTreeVisitor
private ILogger _logger;
public bool PreventsAcceptingNewBlocks => true;
public long StartLevelInclusive => 0;
public long EndLevelExclusive => 10618000;

private UInt256 _genesisAllocations = UInt256.Parse("72009990499480000000000000");
private UInt256 _uncles;
private UInt256 _blockRewards;

public RewardsVerifier(ILogManager logManager)
_logger = logManager.GetClassLogger();

private RewardCalculator _rewardCalculator = new RewardCalculator(MainnetSpecProvider.Instance);

public Task<BlockVisitOutcome> VisitBlock(Block block, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
BlockReward[] rewards = _rewardCalculator.CalculateRewards(block);
for (int i = 0; i < rewards.Length; i++)
if (rewards[i].RewardType == BlockRewardType.Uncle)
_uncles += rewards[i].Value;
_blockRewards += rewards[i].Value;

_logger.Info($"Visiting block {block.Number}, total supply is (genesis + miner rewards + uncle rewards) | {_genesisAllocations} + {_blockRewards} + {_uncles}");
return Task.FromResult(BlockVisitOutcome.None);

public Task<LevelVisitOutcome> VisitLevelStart(ChainLevelInfo chainLevelInfo, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
=> Task.FromResult(LevelVisitOutcome.None);

public Task<bool> VisitMissing(Keccak hash, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
=> Task.FromResult(true);

public Task<bool> VisitHeader(BlockHeader header, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
=> Task.FromResult(true);

public Task<LevelVisitOutcome> VisitLevelEnd(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
=> Task.FromResult(LevelVisitOutcome.None);

And here you will find an example of a tree visitor that sums up all the account balances:

    public class SupplyVerifier : ITreeVisitor
private readonly ILogger _logger;
private UInt256 _balance = UInt256.Zero;
private int _accountsVisited;

public SupplyVerifier(ILogger logger)
_logger = logger;

public bool ShouldVisit(Keccak nextNode) { return true; }

public void VisitTree(Keccak rootHash, TrieVisitContext trieVisitContext) { }

public void VisitMissingNode(Keccak nodeHash, TrieVisitContext trieVisitContext) { }

public void VisitBranch(TrieNode node, TrieVisitContext trieVisitContext) { }

public void VisitExtension(TrieNode node, TrieVisitContext trieVisitContext) { }

public void VisitLeaf(TrieNode node, TrieVisitContext trieVisitContext, byte[] value = null)
if (trieVisitContext.IsStorage)

AccountDecoder accountDecoder = new AccountDecoder();
Account account = accountDecoder.Decode(node.Value.AsRlpStream());
_balance += account.Balance;

_logger.Info($"Balance after visiting {_accountsVisited}: {_balance}");

public void VisitCode(Keccak codeHash, TrieVisitContext trieVisitContext) { }