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Version: 1.27.0

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How do I upgrade my node?

Upgrading Nethermind for Docker users

Pull the latest version of Nethermind using the latest tag. You can find specific tag at Docker Hub.

docker pull nethermind/nethermind:latest

or pull with docker-compose if the nethermind/nethermind:latest base image is specified

docker-compose pull

Upgrading Nethermind for Systemd users

Simply download the latest Nethermind package either from or and make sure that the package is extracted in the WorkingDirectory path defined in your systemd service. Make sure to stop the service before the upgrade and start it after.


Upgrading Nethermind when running as a background process

Download the latest Nethermind package either from or and extract the package in the folder you currently use for running Nethermind. Make sure the service is down before the update. Make sure to stop the service before the upgrade and start it after.

What is the minimum viable config to serve ETH2 validator requests?

This config downloads a minimal amount of bodies and receipts to be able to serve ETH2 validator requests since the deposit contract deployment. It also enables JSON RPC (important - make sure that you do not open firewall to the outside world!)

nethermind --config mainnet --Init.BaseDbPath /your/db/path

If you have any issues, please reach out to us on Discord:

Can I disable logging to file?

You can find more details on the logging config page here

Can I disable logging of JSON RPC calls?

You can find more details on the logging config page here

How can I configure a validator?

You can find more details on running validators here.

My network bandwidth is used up by the Nethermind node

Try changing the config to a lower number (--Network.ActivePeersMaxCount 25)

Is my node synced?

Your node is synced when it shows log lines starting with:

Processed ...

And the block numbers shown are at the head of the chain.

Also, to check if your node is synced, you may execute eth_syncing call check its result

curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_syncing","params":[],"id":1}' localhost:8545

If the result shows false it means that your node is synced


In blockchain, any node can never be 100% sure it is synced because there is no central source of truth - so your node is generally not able to tell you that it is synced but, it is able to tell you that it believes it is synced based on what it knows from the peers that it talks to).

I want to run two or more nodes on one machine. How can I achieve this?

You have to configure a few ports used by Nethermind.

SettingsDefault ValueComment
JsonRpc.EnginePort8551Remember to change it on your Consensus client.
JsonRpc.Port8545Only needed if you are using standard JsonRpc
JsonRpc.WebSocketsPort8545By default same as the JsonRpc port. Only relevant when you use WebSockets

The example of parameters that you have to pass to your second node when the first has been running with default settings:
--JsonRpc.EnginePort 8552 --JsonRpc.Port 8546 --Network.P2PPort 30304 --Network.DiscoveryPort 30304