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Version: 1.28.0


Currently, Nethermind provides the following options to monitor and collect metrics about itself:

Parameters by namespace


  • nethermind_au_ra_step

    Current AuRa step

  • nethermind_commit_hash_transaction

    RANDAO number of commit hash transactions

  • nethermind_emit_initiate_change

    POSDAO number of emit init change transactions

  • nethermind_reported_benign_misbehaviour

    Number of reported benign misbehaviour validators

  • nethermind_reported_malicious_misbehaviour

    Number of reported malicious misbehaviour validators

  • nethermind_reveal_number

    RANDAO number of reveal number transactions

  • nethermind_sealed_transactions

    Number of sealed transactions generated by engine

  • nethermind_validators_count

    Number of current AuRa validators


  • nethermind_best_known_block_number

    The estimated highest block available.

  • nethermind_blockchain_height

    The current height of the canonical chain.

  • nethermind_blocks

    Total number of blocks processed

  • nethermind_blocks_sealed

    Total number of sealed blocks

  • nethermind_failed_block_seals

    Total number of failed block seals

  • nethermind_gas_limit

    Gas Limit for processed blocks

  • nethermind_gas_used

    Gas Used in processed blocks

  • nethermind_last_difficulty

    Difficulty of the last block

  • nethermind_mgas

    Total MGas processed

  • nethermind_mgas_per_sec

    MGas processed per second

  • nethermind_processing_queue_size

    Number of blocks awaiting for processing.

  • nethermind_recovery_queue_size

    Number of blocks awaiting for recovery of public keys from signatures.

  • nethermind_reorganizations

    Total number of chain reorganizations

  • nethermind_total_difficulty

    Total difficulty on the chain

  • nethermind_transactions

    Total number of transactions processed


  • nethermind_code_db_cache

    Number of Code DB cache reads.

  • nethermind_db_block_cache_size

    Database block cache size per database

  • nethermind_db_compaction_stats

    Metrics extracted from RocksDB Compaction Stats

  • nethermind_db_index_filter_size

    Database index and filter size per database

  • nethermind_db_memtable_size

    Database memtable per database

  • nethermind_db_reads

    Database reads per database

  • nethermind_db_size

    Database size per database

  • nethermind_db_stats

    Metrics extracted from RocksDB Compaction Stats and DB Statistics

  • nethermind_db_writes

    Database writes per database

  • nethermind_state_db_pruning

    Indicator if StadeDb is being pruned.

  • nethermind_state_reader_reads

    Number of State Reader reads.

  • nethermind_state_tree_cache

    Number of State Trie cache hits.

  • nethermind_state_tree_reads

    Number of State Trie reads.

  • nethermind_state_tree_writes

    Number of Blocks Trie writes.

  • nethermind_storage_reader_reads

    Number of storage reader reads.

  • nethermind_storage_tree_cache

    Number of storage trie cache hits.

  • nethermind_storage_tree_reads

    Number of storage trie reads.

  • nethermind_storage_tree_writes

    Number of storage trie writes.

  • nethermind_thread_local_code_db_cache

    Number of Code DB cache reads on thread.

  • nethermind_thread_local_state_tree_reads

    Number of State Trie reads on thread.

  • nethermind_thread_local_storage_tree_reads

    Number of storage trie reads on thread.


  • nethermind_blockhash_opcode

    Number of BLOCKHASH opcodes executed.

  • nethermind_bn254_add_precompile

    Number of BN254_ADD precompile calls.

  • nethermind_bn254_mul_precompile

    Number of BN254_MUL precompile calls.

  • nethermind_bn254_pairing_precompile

    Number of BN254_PAIRING precompile calls.

  • nethermind_calls

    Number of calls to other contracts.

  • nethermind_contracts_analysed

    Number of contracts' code analysed for jump destinations.

  • nethermind_creates

    Number of contract create calls.

  • nethermind_ec_recover_precompile

    Number of EC_RECOVERY precompile calls.

  • nethermind_empty_calls

    Number of calls made to addresses without code.

  • nethermind_evm_exceptions

    Number of EVM exceptions thrown by contracts.

  • nethermind_exp_opcode

    Number of EXP opcodes executed.

  • nethermind_m_copy_opcode

    Number of MCOPY opcodes executed.

  • nethermind_mod_exp_precompile

    Number of MODEXP precompile calls.

  • nethermind_point_evaluation_precompile

    Number of Point Evaluation precompile calls.

  • nethermind_ripemd160_precompile

    Number of RIPEMD160 precompile calls.

  • nethermind_secp256r1_precompile

    Number of Secp256r1 precompile calls.

  • nethermind_self_destructs

    Number of SELFDESTRUCT calls.

  • nethermind_sha256_precompile

    Number of SHA256 precompile calls.

  • nethermind_sload_opcode

    Number of SLOAD opcodes executed.

  • nethermind_sstore_opcode

    Number of SSTORE opcodes executed.

  • nethermind_thread_local_calls

    Number of calls to other contracts on thread.

  • nethermind_thread_local_contracts_analysed

    Number of contracts' code analysed for jump destinations on thread.

  • nethermind_thread_local_creates

    Number of contract create calls on thread.

  • nethermind_thread_local_empty_calls

    Number of calls made to addresses without code on thread.

  • nethermind_thread_local_s_load_opcode

    Number of SLOAD opcodes executed on thread.

  • nethermind_thread_local_s_store_opcode

    Number of SSTORE opcodes executed on thread.

  • nethermind_tload_opcode

    Number of TLOAD opcodes executed.

  • nethermind_tstore_opcode

    Number of TSTORE opcodes executed.


  • nethermind_json_rpc_bytes_received

    Number of JSON RPC bytes received.

  • nethermind_json_rpc_bytes_sent

    Number of JSON RPC bytes sent.

  • nethermind_json_rpc_errors

    Number of JSON RPC requests processed with errors.

  • nethermind_json_rpc_invalid_requests

    Number of JSON RPC requests that were invalid.

  • nethermind_json_rpc_request_deserialization_failures

    Number of JSON RPC requests that failed JSON deserialization.

  • nethermind_json_rpc_requests

    Total number of JSON RPC requests received by the node.

  • nethermind_json_rpc_successes

    Number of JSON RPC requests processed successfully.


  • nethermind_forkchoice_upded_execution_time

    ForkchoiceUpded request execution time

  • nethermind_get_payload_requests

    Number of GetPayload Requests

  • nethermind_new_payload_execution_time

    NewPayload request execution time

  • nethermind_number_of_transactions_in_get_payload

    Number of Transactions included in the Last GetPayload Request


  • nethermind_handshakes

    Number of devp2p handshakes

  • nethermind_handshake_timeouts

    Number of devp2p handshake timeouts

  • nethermind_incoming_connections

    Number of incoming connection.

  • nethermind_incoming_p2_p_message_bytes

    Bytes of incoming p2p packets.

  • nethermind_incoming_p2_p_messages

    Number of incoming p2p packets.

  • nethermind_local_disconnects_total

    Number of local disconnects

  • nethermind_outgoing_connections

    Number of outgoing connection.

  • nethermind_outgoing_p2_p_message_bytes

    Bytes of outgoing p2p packets.

  • nethermind_outgoing_p2_p_messages

    Number of outgoing p2p packets.

  • nethermind_peer_limit

    The maximum number of peers this node allows to connect.

  • nethermind_remote_disconnects_total

    Number of remote disconnects


  • nethermind_cached_nodes_count

    Nodes that are currently kept in cache (either persisted or not)

  • nethermind_committed_nodes_count

    Nodes that have been committed since the session start. These nodes may have been pruned, persisted or replaced.

  • nethermind_deep_pruned_persisted_nodes_count

    Nodes that have been removed from the cache during deep pruning because they have been persisted before.

  • nethermind_deep_pruning_time

    Time taken by the last deep pruning.

  • nethermind_last_persisted_block_number

    Last persisted block number (snapshot).

  • nethermind_loaded_from_cache_nodes_count

    Number of reads from the node cache.

  • nethermind_loaded_from_db_nodes_count

    Number of DB reads.

  • nethermind_loaded_from_rlp_cache_nodes_count

    Number of reads from the RLP cache.

  • nethermind_memory_used_by_cache

    Estimated memory used by cache.

  • nethermind_persisted_node_count

    Nodes that have been persisted since the session start.

  • nethermind_pruned_persisted_nodes_count

    Nodes that have been removed from the cache during pruning because they have been persisted before.

  • nethermind_pruned_transient_nodes_count

    Nodes that have been removed from the cache during pruning because they were no longer needed.

  • nethermind_pruning_time

    Time taken by the last pruning.

  • nethermind_removed_node_count

    Nodes that was removed via live pruning.

  • nethermind_replaced_nodes_count

    Number of nodes that have been exactly the same as other nodes in the cache when committing.

  • nethermind_snapshot_persistence_time

    Time taken by the last snapshot persistence.


  • nethermind_version

    Version number


  • nethermind_sync_peers

    Number of sync peers.


  • nethermind_tree_node_hash_calculations

    Number of trie node hash calculations.

  • nethermind_tree_node_rlp_decodings

    Number of trie node RLP decodings.

  • nethermind_tree_node_rlp_encodings

    Number of trie node RLP encodings.


  • nethermind_blobs_in_block

    Number of blobs in the block.

  • nethermind_blob_transaction_count

    Number of blob transactions in pool.

  • nethermind_blob_transactions_in_block

    Number of blob transactions in the block.

  • nethermind_dark_pool_ratio_level1

    Ratio of transactions in the block absent in hashCache.

  • nethermind_dark_pool_ratio_level2

    Ratio of transactions in the block absent in pending transactions.

  • nethermind_eip1559_transactions_ratio

    Ratio of 1559-type transactions in the block.

  • nethermind_pending1559_transactions_added

    Number of pending 1559-type transactions added to transaction pool.

  • nethermind_pending_blob_transactions_added

    Number of pending blob-type transactions added to transaction pool.

  • nethermind_pending_transactions_added

    Number of pending transactions added to transaction pool.

  • nethermind_pending_transactions_balance_below_value

    Number of pending transactions received that were ignored because balance is less than txn value.

  • nethermind_pending_transactions_conflicting_tx_type

    Number of transactions rejected because of already pending tx of other type (allowed blob txs or others, not both at once).

  • nethermind_pending_transactions_discarded

    Number of pending transactions received that were ignored.

  • nethermind_pending_transactions_evicted

    Number of pending transactions evicted from transaction pool.

  • nethermind_pending_transactions_gas_limit_too_high

    Number of pending transactions received that were ignored because the gas limit was to high for the block.

  • nethermind_pending_transactions_hashes_received

    Number of hashes of pending transactions received from peers.

  • nethermind_pending_transactions_hashes_sent

    Number of hashes of pending transactions broadcasted to peers.

  • nethermind_pending_transactions_known

    Number of already known pending transactions.

  • nethermind_pending_transactions_low_nonce

    Number of transactions with already used nonce.

  • nethermind_pending_transactions_malformed

    Number of malformed transactions.

  • nethermind_pending_transactions_nonce_gap

    Number of pending transactions received that were ignored because of not having preceding nonce of this sender in TxPool.

  • nethermind_pending_transactions_nonce_too_far_in_future

    Number of transactions with nonce too far in future.

  • nethermind_pending_transactions_not_supported_tx_type

    Number of pending transactions received that were ignored because of not supported transaction type.

  • nethermind_pending_transactions_passed_filters_but_cannot_compete_on_fees

    Number of pending transactions received that were ignored after passing early rejections as balance is too low to compete with lowest effective fee in transaction pool.

  • nethermind_pending_transactions_passed_filters_but_cannot_replace

    Number of pending transactions received that were trying to replace tx with the same sender and nonce and failed.

  • nethermind_pending_transactions_received

    Number of pending transactions received from peers.

  • nethermind_pending_transactions_sent

    Number of pending transactions broadcasted to peers.

  • nethermind_pending_transactions_too_low_balance

    Number of pending transactions received that were ignored because balance too low for fee to be higher than the lowest fee in transaction pool.

  • nethermind_pending_transactions_too_low_fee

    Number of pending transactions received that were ignored because of fee lower than the lowest fee in transaction pool.

  • nethermind_pending_transactions_too_low_priority_fee

    Number of pending transactions received that were ignored because of priority fee lower than minimal requirement.

  • nethermind_pending_transactions_unresolvable_sender

    Number of pending transactions received that were ignored because the sender couldn't be resolved.

  • nethermind_pending_transactions_with_expensive_filtering

    Number of pending transactions that reached filters which are resource expensive

  • nethermind_pending_transactions_zero_balance

    Number of pending transactions received that were ignored because balance is zero and cannot pay gas.

  • nethermind_transaction_count

    Number of transactions in pool.